

Landscape paintings on canvas

Start From Small £300 - Medium £350 - Large £400


Portrait drawings

Start From Single £200 - Multiple £300


Landscape drawings and watercolours 

Start From £80

Why Work With Me

You can let me know what it is that you like in your art, be it beautiful views, your own home and garden, the important people in your life. I can create artwork to suit you and your home.

Share your ideas with me and I can turn those into art for you. Perhaps you have a photo of your favourite place but don’t want to just put a print on your wall. 

You may want a portrait of a loved one but don’t have the perfect photo… I can interpret your images into a portrait which leaves out imperfections, or merge several ideas into one beautiful and unique work of art.


With each piece of art being original, I can help you decide exactly what you want and what size to suit your space.


 FREE consultation if required.

20 Years Experience

5 Star Rating

Quick Turnaround

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